Diving Deep: Integrating English Learning into Everyday Routines

Trying to learn a new language when one has a busy schedule is very difficult. However, by adding English into our daily routines and using modern tools, the process can be simplified and made more useful. This article dives deeper into some effective ways to do this.

1. Waking up to an English World

Morning routines often set the tone for the rest of the day. By listening to English, such as tuning into English news broadcasts like BBC World News or Voice of America, or one’s favorite podcast, learners are immediately exposed to authentic language use. If you feel that is still a little too much in the morning, then just listen to a radio station in your target language and enjoy the music. Many radio stations can be found on the internet or, in some cases, as an application.This routine not only improves listening skills but also gives you some ideas of the culture and topics of concern in the Anglophone World.

2. Smartphone to the Rescue

Without a doubt, smartphones are a needed tool in our day-to-day existence, with its limitless access to applications for every task imaginable. Thankfully, this includes language learning. Smartphones have definitely transformed language learning with many mobile apps catering to different learning styles. For example: 

  • Duolingo turns lessons into games, making grammar and vocabulary fun.
  • Babbel emphasizes conversational skills tailored to real-world situations.
  • Memrise uses memory-enhancing techniques to solidify vocabulary retention.

Short sessions during commutes or waiting times can make these moments educational. Practicing your English at these moments not only improves your linguistic skills but can also make the time pass by faster!!!

3. Take a Moment and Think in English

Thinking directly in English, rather than going through the filter of your native language, can change things for any English learner. How can you start to do this? Begin with simple tasks. Start with listing as many objects you can see in English at any particular moment. During meal preparation, internally narrate each step in English. You could also take a moment to observe your surroundings and verbally describe them. Basically, you start beginning to relate to your world in English. This practice not only helps in vocabulary augmentation but also makes possible quicker, more natural responses in conversations. One of the best things about this technique is that it can be done anywhere and at anytime. Yes!!! It just a matter of taking a few 5-minute (yes, 5-minute!!!) sessions to make it happen.

4. Use Social Media to Your Advantage

Social media offers modern learners a vast resource. It is a known fact that we consult it regularly and quite often, more than we would like to admit. However, we can use this to our advantage to interact with the English world. For example, if you have an Instagram account, follow English accounts in the form of news, celebrities, and English teachers and institutions. This can give you the opportunity for more exposure to English in numerous contexts and, in regard to teachers and institutions, give you daily vocabulary and grammar lessons. Similar things can be done with other forms of social media such as Facebook, X, and Threads. And when can you do this? Whenever you pick up your phone and feel like scrolling…

5. Hobbies+Language Learning-A Match Made in Heaven

Hobbies offer an opportunity for language learning because of the excitement involved. For music enthusiasts, exploring English songs and dissecting their lyrics can be both enjoyable and educational. Similarly, if you practice a certain sport or do particular work outs, you can find reading articles or listening to certain YouTube videos quite instructive and enjoyable. The key is to match your interests with your learning process, making it less of a chore and more of a joy. 

6. Keep a Daily Journal-Express Yourself

Writing in English encourages active language use. Keeping a daily journal, whether documenting events, expressing emotions, or brainstorming ideas, sharpens writing skills and vocabulary application. If writing is not your thing, you can record audio entries which gives you verbal practice. Reviewing past entries over time can also be a source of encouragement as you witness your progress. It also provides another opportunity to interpret your world in English.

By integrating English into your daily routines and interests, the English language becomes less of an external subject to study and more of an integral part of our lives. With dedication, the right strategies, and a little planning, achieving proficiency becomes a journey filled with small, enjoyable milestones.